Ash Hardell vlogs about her daily life on her YouTube channel.
As a result of her kind heart and glowing spirit, Hardell has developed a strong bond with their viewers and she’s trusted, loved and admired for her voice in the LGBTQIA+ community.
His insight and honest approach to LGBTQIA+ education has helped millions of kids and adults understand who they are. Ash focuses on exploring sexual and gender diversity as well as underrepresented identities within the queer community.
Ash likes any and all pronouns
Also, he loves cats.
Grayson Hardell is Ash’s beautiful, brilliant, and handsome wife.
From filling the shoes of camera-person, to co-script writer, to wanna-be editor, they are Ash’s partner in crime in nearly every creative endeavor. (If you’ve ever liked anything Ash has made, Gray almost certainly had a hand in it!)
Online, Gray frequently shares their life experiences, what it’s like to question their gender, and sometimes they make clever puns. Gray is a caring and insightful nonbinary voice within the queer community.
Gray goes by they/them pronouns.
And Gray believes dogs are better.

Featured Press:
Huffington Post
The Guardian
17 Magazine
Speaking Engagements:
VidCon US
University of Omaha
The ABC’s of LGBT+ are a series of videos that inspired Hardell’s book. Episodes explores some of the many different and sexual and gender identities that make up the colorful queer community.
Ash Hardell's Book
The ABCs of LGBT+ is a #1 Amazon Bestselling book and is essential reading for questioning teens, teachers or parents looking for advice, or anyone who wants to learn how to talk about gender identity and sexual identity.
Recognized as a top 10 LGBT+ book in 2018 according to the Rainbow List

Ash Hardell works with like-minded brands that are of interest to her audience as sponsors of videos on the channel.
These are recent examples of her work with a few companies:
Adam and Eve
TomBoyX Underwear
LGBT+ Amino App
Clue App
Better Help